MABtv, Le Mag Audiovisuel & Business a pour objectif de donner les grandes tendances et statistiques reflétant les transformations que traversent le secteur de l’audiovisuel et l’industrie des contenus à l’ère du streaming. L’évolution des habitudes de consommation, des audiences, des focus sur les marchés de pointe américains et britanniques, les répercussions en France. Avec son traitement magazine, MABtv se veut complémentaire des titres de presse professionnelle existants. Il a été créé par Marie-Agnès Bruneau, journaliste media spécialisée en presse b2b sur le secteur de l’audiovisuel depuis toujours. Le site a commencé à être développé pendant le Covid et est public depuis début 2022. Son concept est évolutif.
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Marie-Agnès Bruneau, la bio

Marie-Agnès Bruneau débute sa carrière vers la fin des années 80 en tant que toute jeune journaliste à La Lettre de l’Audiovisuel, publication créée et dirigée par son père, Pierre Bruneau. Elle couvre les secteurs émergents que sont les radios libres, la production indépendante née des nouvelles chaînes TV. Elle en deviendra rédactrice en chef adjointe en charge de l’équipe éditoriale, y créera plusieurs publications, une édition mensuelle internationale, La Lettre The French TV Market Newsletter, un guide éditorialisé bilingue. Dans la continuité, elle sera amenée à lancer avec la même équipe son propre magazine professionnel, Mediasphères L’Hebdo. Puis, elle est appelée sur une nouvelle voie, celle de l’international. Elle se met à travailler pour la presse spécialisée anglo-saxonne, devenant au milieu des années 90 French Bureau Chief de FT Media & Telecom, qui éditait à l’époque le titre de référenceTBI (Television Business International) ainsi qu’un certain nombre de newsletters. Elle prendra la rédaction en chef adjointe de l’une d’entre elle, TV Programmes Finance, et sera promue European bureau chief. Après la vente des titres, elle demeure correspondante de TBI, et développe parallèlement des collaborations avec des salons professionnels comme Sunny Side of The Doc, leur créant une newsletter, une étude, ainsi qu’avec les quotidiens MipTV et Mipcom Dailies, et travaille quelques temps pour le quotidien spécialisé Satellifax. Avant de rejoindre au milieu des années 2000, la publication anglo-saxonne C21media, en tant que Paris Bureau Chief pour une longue collaboration, puis de redevenir indépendante. Elle fut aussi amenée à écrire pour nombre d’autres publications spécialisées françaises et internationales comme Sonovision, Ecran Total, Le Film Français, Broadcast, RealScreen, et dernièrement, à nouveau, TBI. Elle s’est aussi diversifiée dans les interviews vidéo, toujours B2B, sur le secteur de l’audiovisuel. Depuis 2014, elle interview pour le Festival international du film d’animation d’Annecy de hautes figures internationales de l’animation, ayant créé la série MIFA expert Insight, 32 épisodes à ce jour. Elle a également réalisé pour la Saje une série de 14 épisodes, Auteurs de jeux TV, sur le processus de création des formats de jeux TV. Elle est par ailleurs amenée parfois à enseigner l’audiovisuel dans le cadre de Masters. Voir le profil de Marie-Agnès Bruneau sur Linkedin.
Liens vers quelques uns de ses articles pour la presse internationale :
Group M6 tops formats buyer chart in France but total new commissions decline

26th April 2024

Group M6 distinguished itself as the biggest formats player in France last year, according to La Fabrique des Formats’ annual research, while the number of entertainment launches dropped back from a peak in 2022. By Marie-Agnès Bruneau.
France’s M6 lands Prime Video show, spins ‘The Traitors’ for soon-to-launch streamer

7th March 2024

French broadcaster M6 has lined up Amazon’s The Marvelous Mrs Maisel, an original MMA contest format and an additional version of The Traitors for its soon-to-launch streaming service, M6+. By Marie-Agnès Bruneau.

International Outlook: France’s Fipadoc shines spotlight on Euro doc trends

February 6, 2024

The annual French documentary festival and conference Fipadoc, held in Biarritz, wrapped on January 27, with 2,400 delegates taking part. Paris-based journalist Marie-Agnès Bruneau was on the scene reporting for Realscreen. This year’s edition of the Fipadoc festival reflected some new creative approaches, perhaps reflective of the ongoing shift towards digital platforms, as documentary moves beyond the linear dictates of the strand.
How La Rochelle illuminated France’s burgeoning drama industry

20th September 2023
The 25th edition of La Rochelle’s Festival de la Fiction highlighted the expanding scope of French drama on all fronts, writes Marie-Agnès Bruneau.

How Rendez-Vous in Biarritz marked a time of transition

11th September 2023
Rendez-Vous in Biarritz attracted hundreds of European buyers to the French coast last week for an event that felt like it was marking a time of transition for the industry, writes Marie-Agnès Bruneau.

French scripted deals fuel record $231m int’l sales, as streamer deals power growth

5th September 2023
French programming enjoyed strong sales last year driven by scripted although pre-sales and international coproductions were down, according to the annual Unifrance-CNC French export figures, revealed at Rendez-vous in Biarritz yesterday.

Exclusive: Arte & France TV reveal best-rated docs across 2022-23 season

13th July 2023
France Télévisions and Arte have revealed their most popular documentaries, with exclusive data highlighting the growing interest in true crime programming on the networks.

France Télévisions reveals Autumn line-up as focus shifts to brand rather than channels

13th July 2023
France Télévisions has outlined plans to develop its sports, young adult (YA), drama and entertainment offerings – including launching an original adventure gameshow – as it looks to build the broadcaster’s brand among younger audiences, rather than focusing on a single channel.

France’s M6 buys from HBO Max, preps original drama & eyes “novelty” competition shows

6th July 2023
The group’s top priorities were revealed at a press briefing yesterday in Paris by content and channels director Guillaume Charles, who pointed to the development of M6’s primetime line-up and upgrading its 6Play offering as key focuses, while also strengthening the group’s smaller channels.

TBI Weekly: Six takeaways from Sunny Side of the Doc

23rd June 2023
International coproductions lay at the centre of many of the panel talks. Another concern is to address climate change issues with docs showing solutions. On the domestic front, pubcaster France Télévisions had to face worries from French producers. The number of docs including the ones commissioned by the public broadcaster, has gone down last year. Private players are getting more involved.

France TV & M6 fuel unscripted format surge, with key suppliers revealed

17th May 2023
New launches of unscripted formats reached a peak of 50 in France last year, according to La Fabrique des Formats’ annual survey, an increase of 15 on 2021 and on former years when figures were in the 30-35 bracket.

Exclusive: Three projects that underline France’s forward-facing scripted sector

French drama is evolving rapidly, as subject matter and new business models perk the attention of international buyers. Marie-Agnès Bruneau talks to the key figures behind three recent projects to find out about this latest evolution

TBI Weekly: Nine factual takeaways from Fipadoc in Biarritz

3rd February 2023
French broadcasters were out in force at Fipadoc last week in Biarritz, with true crime, miniseries, impact docs and history shows emerging as the major trends. The troubles of the world also invited themselves, writes Marie-Agnès Bruneau.

TBI Weekly: Why French film & TV are getting into bed together

20th January 2023
French audiovisual body Unifrance marked its 25th Rendez-Vous in Paris by broadening out the traditionally cinema-centric event to include TV content. Marie-Agnès Bruneau reports back on what she saw, the key trends & what it means for the future.

TBI : How Amazon & Netflix are supercharging France’s format market

18th October 2022
Amazon Prime Video and Netflix have both enjoyed huge recent success with unscripted formats in France. Marie-Agnès Bruneau reports on what’s next and where opportunities lie.

Exclusive: What the future holds for Europe’s public broadcasters

18th October 2022
Public broadcasters face pressure like never before, with squeezed budgets and their very funding models under intense scrutiny. Marie-Agnès Bruneau takes a trip around Europe to find out what’s happening across the continent.

Five key takeaways from Festival de la Rochelle

20th September 2022
French drama is booming and the Festival de la Rochelle has clearly benefitted, with this year’s event reporting attendance up nearly 20% to 2,600 professionals, plus a general audience of 15,000.

TBI Weekly: What’s next for France’s public broadcasters?

22nd July 2022
Public broadcasters across Europe are facing an existential crisis, as politicians look to scrap licence fee models. Marie-Agnes Bruneau reports on the latest developments in France and reveals how the alternatives stack up.

TBI How France is leading the world on streamer regulation

3rd April 2022
France has been at the forefront of regulating domestic content investment from global streamers such as Netflix and Amazon, with countries around the world watching developments closely. Marie-Agnès Bruneau reports on what the changes mean.

The TBI Interview: Manuel Alduy, France Télévisions

5th April 2022
France Télévisions has a new international team and a rejuvenated global scripted strategy to attract younger viewers. Marie-Agnès Bruneau speaks to Manuel Alduy, who is leading the charge.

TBI What Fipadoc tells us about French & int’l documentaries

25th January 2022
The TV industry’s events schedule remains a challenging environment but face-to-face meetings are a vital tool for the business, writes Marie-Agnès Bruneau, who recently attended French documentary festival Fipadoc. Here are her key takeaways from the event.

Inside Canal+ Docs: “We are definitely a partner for international docs”

By Marie-Agnès Bruneau January 26, 2022
Canal+ Group has been on a shopping spree for its new Canal+ Docs channel, and also has strong ambitions regarding originals.

TBI Weekly: What next for France’s scripted industry?

16th July 2021
French drama festival Série Series returned to the Fontainebleau recently, marking for many execs their first physical event for more than a year. Marie-Agnès Bruneau reports on what for some…